San Juan River Flows Are Dropping, Fly Fishing is Great

San Juan River Fishing Report & News

After catching a big Rainbow Maggie landed this sweet Brownie.

The river flows, from a high of 1750cfs, are decreasing to 1400cfs today and 1200cfs by tomorrow.  Fishing has been really good in spite of the flows.

There has been a lot of stocking in the river.  But, there are many areas where waders are catching larger fish.  Just work your way up and down the river to find the bigger fish.

In the morning, red larva, egg pattern and bunny leeches are good attractors fishing a chocolate midge below.  Mid-morning to afternoons the midge hatches are good.  Fish 2 midges, dark gray and chocolate both in larva and pupa patterns.

San Juan River NM Water Flow CFS