Winter Fly Fishing on the San Juan River in New Mexico

San Juan River Fishing Report & News


fisheads-winterMornings have been around 10 degrees and afternoons in the low 30’s. We are seeing some dry fly fishing on midges. The winter weather has left snow on the ground and ice along the edges of the river, so dress warm. There have been trout grubbing in the weed beds for bugs to eat, so floating a chocolate or olive bunny leech through the actively feeding trout should yield strikes. There have been fingerlings released into the Upper Flats recently so anything white to mimic that little rainbow trout has potential. We have about 2 feet of visibility and the lake has turned. The water is still in good shape but it is turning green in many places. This is great as it creates less spooky trout and we can fish larger bugs and heavier tippet. The river is at 371 cfs . The lake is in great shape with plenty of water still coming in from Colorado.

Winter fishing in the San Juan River can be a great way to get away from the ice and snow.  We haIMG_02591ve guides available to take out anglers daily.  The river has been beautiful lately with a nice frosting of snow.  Make sure you keep your hands and feet warm.  Extra layers and/or hand warmers work well to battle the chill.  The Back Cast Cafe is available from 6 am to 8 pm to feed hungry anglers.  Fisheads has plenty of lodging to keep everyone warm and dry for the night.  When you plan you trip out to the San Juan River Fisheads is here to help make your winter fishing adventure the story of a lifetime.



San Juan River NM Water Flow CFS